Washington ACTE Membership

Connects You - Informs You - Gives You a Voice

WA-ACTE Membership Flyer


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Membership in Washington ACTE, sections, and/or national ACTE are individual, nontransferable, and nonrefundable.

To avoid payment processing fees, please pay by check or purchase order using a paper form.

If you prefer to pay through the national ACTE, please click here.

The Value of Membership
  • Offer a collective, strong voice
  • Access to relevant and current information
  • Recognition of profession
  • Provider of professional development
  • Trusted access to wisdom
The Benefits of Belonging
  • Your voice on issues that are important to you
  • Facilitates your networking needs with colleagues across the state on different issues
  • Keeps you current professionally
Why Join Your Organization?
  • Protect your livelihood
  • Keep current on the latest information and techniques
  • Network with experts across the state
  • Be part of your professional group

Why Join WA-ACTE?
WA-ACTE is the largest state education association dedicated to the programs and people that prepare youth and adults for successful careers. We are a learning and sharing community of teachers, career guidance specialists and counselors, and administrators at the middle, secondary, and postsecondary levels. Our commitment is to provide leadership in developing an educated, prepared, and competitive workforce.

Membership: What's in it for me?
Membership in WA-ACTE provides you with access to programs and services expressly designed for educators in the Career and Technical Education field.

More job security and career opportunities
In an age where Career and Technical Education is in question and funding is under political pressure, WA-ACTE plays a leadership role in fighting for the funding and policies that support your schools and classrooms. Your membership is crucial to WA-ACTE's ability to influence education policymakers.

Information to make you a better educator
As a member, you gain access to information and resources that help you increase your skills as an educator and enhance your career opportunities.

Quality Networking and Professional Development
The annual Summer Conference, Fall Conference, and other conferences help you interact with other CTE educators, business and institutional partners, and policymakers face to face. As an attendee, you choose from a variety of sessions across a wide range of subjects designed to help you take the most relevant information back to your classroom or office.

Building Career and Technical Education image to enhance your value
Members benefit when their association works year-round to build positive public perceptions about Career and Technical Education on the state level. Image programs like CTE Month, give members access to materials and support to alter perceptions and make the case for CTE in local schools and communities around the state.

A network of colleagues to advance your career
The WA-ACTE membership is a peer-to-peer network of colleagues routinely helping each other improve the quality of their schools, students, and their own careers.

Features and Benefits of Membership

Professional Development / Networking
Participate in skill-building conferences offered year-round and network with other workforce education leaders. Explore leadership development by becoming an officer or member of a WA-ACTE section or committee.

WA-ACTE works diligently to enhance the image of Career and Technical Education and educators.

Do you have a program or teaching strategy that's on the leading edge of preparing students for careers? WA-ACTE's annual Awards Program can give you or someone you know deserved recognition.

WA-ACTE Membership Categories

Professional Association Membership $75
Professional Association membership offers individuals actively engaged and employed in the CTE community a wealth of world-class resources, information, and networking opportunities. Members in this category are eligible to vote, serve on committees, and participate as a delegate. Professional Association membership is also offered to anyone with interest in the field of Career and Technical Education.

Student Membership $0
Student Membership offers rising CTE professionals access to essential knowledge and tools as they prepare for their new and exciting careers! Student membership is offered to individuals who are enrolled as full-time students preparing to become career and technical educators. This membership is not available for students employed full-time in the education system as teachers, counselors, or administrators. Please provide a copy of student ID with your enrollment form.

Retired Membership $35
Retired membership is available for individuals who are retired from active employment in a CTE field, have been active in WA-ACTE for at least one year, and wish to remain active in the CTE community. Members in this category are eligible to vote, serve on committees, and participate as a delegate.